Wednesday, August 20, 2014

20 August - GCSE Coursework: Project Title and Description

Project Title: A promotional website OR a client database for a interior design company for my parents.
Client Info:
-Name: Sharon Tong
-Relationship: Mother
-Company name: Ultimate Engineering
-Job Title: Accountant
-Technological Experience: Some experiences with IT
-Agreed Solution: Website
-Preferred communication method: e-Mail
Audience: The clients of my mother's company.
Purpose: To allow clients to find out more information about the company easily, such as aims and design rules OR provide easy access and recording of client information to employees.
Problem I am solving: The clients of my clients want a professional and easy path to access detailed information about the company on demand.
Project Description: For this project, my mother and I were discussing what she wanted to improve in her company, and she and I have come up with 2 solutions. First of all, she wanted a solution that could help her easily store and retrieve information about the company clients, and the idea of using a database was preferred. Therefore, I suggested the idea of using Microsoft Access to develop a database and she thought it was a good idea. However, she also wanted to find a solution that solves another problem she has, which is that some of her clients sometimes want to find more about the company, but don't know where to find information about it. Therefore, I also suggested another solution which is to create a website or something similar that they could use to retrieve information about various aspects of the company, and she also liked that idea. I discussed with her to see which one she would prefer for me to develop for her. In the end, we decided to develop the solution that solves the problem for her clients finding information about the company. We looked at different solutions and eventually decided to make a website to solve my clients problem.
Potential Solutions (considered but won't work):
 - Facebook Page: It would be very easy and convenient to update it, which would be convenient for my mother because she isn't the best with technology. However, this solution would not provide lots of customization, and would not be presented in a very professional manner.

- YouTube Channel: Again, this would be a simple solution that doesn't require alot of technological skill. However, the restrictions on a YouTube channel means that you can only upload a video, and not plain text or images. This would seem more professional than a Facebook page, but it wouldn't work because of the media restriction.
Application uses:
I will be using notepad++ to create the website by writing the code. I decided to use this application because I am very familiar with this application, and it clearly shows different parts of the code with colors to differentiate which is what. Attached is a screenshot of notepad++:

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