Friday, September 26, 2014

Sep 26 - Design Making

In the current lessons, I have been creating designs for my client. I plan to create around 4-5 designs before I send to my client to evaluate, so that she can review all of them and pick out different parts of each that she prefers to include. I have used the objectives and success criteria that me and my client have developed together. The program I used to create these designs are Microsoft Publisher, since it is easy to create shapes for the website template. I could have used another program such as Photoshop, but my client would only be able to view these designs and not edit them since she doesn't have Photoshop installed (only view them because I can export as an image file).

The color schemes can be easily changed, and the contrasting colors in these designs are just to separate each section without confusion. Here is the first design that I have finished creating:

For the homepage, I have decided to create a horizontal menu bar that sits on top of the page. There will be drop down menus when needed for some selections, that will appear when hovered upon. The 3 main boxes in the middle of the page are for the important, or most recent updates to the site. There is a background picture for this that can be chosen, or instead a slideshow of pictures if my client wants that. The menu bar on the top was inspired by looking at the Nestle website that I put on my research, with a little modification to it.

I decided to design the 'Contact Us' page, since this can be used to base other sections of the website upon as it provides a theme and style that other sections can use. Also, this webpage gives information about the company to the clients, which is included in my objectives and success criteria. The main section is for a Google Maps widget that can display the location of the office of my client, and the smaller box in red shows the different opening hours, address in text, and telephone. The 5 icons that are round on the bottom will direct the user to the social media pages of my client's company, or email. This can be changed by my client to accommodate the different sites she wants to put there. I was inspired by the Xava Interiors website to put the Google Maps widget, as I believe it would help my client's customers to easily reach their office.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sep 17 - Objectives and Success Criteria

To create a visually appealing website.
-          Use colours that blend well, and cool colours (such as blue, green, etc.) so that they don’t make everything too bright, or a monochromatic color scheme.
-          Format everything so that the layout isn’t clustered.
-          Survey with other people.
-          Client contact.
-          Ensure everything has an x amount of pixels between different paragraphs/sections.
To give easy access to information about the company.
-          Create a menu bar which gives different sections that can easily be clicked on
-          Make sure it has been used
Provide various information about projects, staff, including inspiration, themes/building size, etc.
-          Use a grid format to show different information about the designers,
-          Use all information provided, include all sections listed in aims.
To provide details on contacting the company (including addresses, email, etc.)
-          Create a separate page that can display all the needed information/information provided.
-          Check if all the information give is put on it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sep 3 - Client Contact - Developing Project Aims

Via e-Mail, I have been contacting my client the past few days to ensure that the Project Aims are to her benefit and she is satisfied with them. Firstly, I listed some ideas that I think she might want, and she picked out some of the aims from the list, and also listed some additional aims that she would like me to develop on. Here are some screenshots of what we have been discussing:

From contacting my client, I have been able to establish the project aims for the website. They are as follows:

-To create a visually appealing website
-To give easy access to information
-Providing various information about projects and staff, including inspiration, and themes/building size, etc.
-To provide details on contacting the company address, email, etc.

Using these project aims, I will create designs for my client so that we can design a website to our liking, and make sure it fits the aims of our project.