Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sep 17 - Objectives and Success Criteria

To create a visually appealing website.
-          Use colours that blend well, and cool colours (such as blue, green, etc.) so that they don’t make everything too bright, or a monochromatic color scheme.
-          Format everything so that the layout isn’t clustered.
-          Survey with other people.
-          Client contact.
-          Ensure everything has an x amount of pixels between different paragraphs/sections.
To give easy access to information about the company.
-          Create a menu bar which gives different sections that can easily be clicked on
-          Make sure it has been used
Provide various information about projects, staff, including inspiration, themes/building size, etc.
-          Use a grid format to show different information about the designers,
-          Use all information provided, include all sections listed in aims.
To provide details on contacting the company (including addresses, email, etc.)
-          Create a separate page that can display all the needed information/information provided.
-          Check if all the information give is put on it.

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