Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oct 9 - Design Making #3

My third design has been completed for my client, and I have made many visual changes to this design:

For the homepage, I have moved the menu bar to a horizontal position, and instead gave it 5 main articles for the homepage. I used the Comodo Design webpage as inspiration for the menu bar, as it could be a better option for my client. The 5 articles have been made so that efficient use of space can be achieved if there is not much text to show for them. The 2 articles that are on the left are bigger so that the important info can be easily shown on there. The 3 articles on the right are smaller as less important information can be shown there.
The contact us page for this design is a mix of the first and second designs, which shows efficient use of space while lacking visual appeal. The social media links have been aligned horizontally on the right, while the text details for the office and the Google Maps widget have been elongated.

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