Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dec 9 - Creating the 'Interior/Exterior' webpage

Today, I created the final page(s) for my website. These 2 webpages are similar, and I therefore used the same style/structure of both websites. I adopted a simple design for the website, using <div> to put each image inside a border, with a description of the image in the border. This code was referenced from a w3schools tutorial (http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_gallery.asp) that I found. I decided to use this gallery because of the simple design, as mentioned above. Here is what the webpages look like:

This is the general structure that I use for this website, since it gives a clear box to show the pictures. It also has a description of the picture (usually for the name of the place of design). Here is the HTML code I used for the picture gallery:
I am able to turn the images into links that will enlarge the image as well in another page, apart from having the image in the box itself. I adapted the code by changing the CSS code, such as the color, and display attributes. This changes the style of the gallery that fits the webpage better.

Now that I have finished making all of my webpages, I can upload my webpage onto a hosting website.

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